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. 2020 Jul 2;27(2):1073274820936287. doi: 10.1177/1073274820936287

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of 250 Patients With Small-Cell Lung Cancer and Brain Metastasis.

Variables N %
Age (years)
 <60 125 50
 ≥60 125 50
ECOG score
 0 227 90.8
 1 19 7.6
 2 2 0.8
 3 2 0.8
 Male 234 93.6
 Female 16 6.4
 Yes 166 66.4
 No 84 33.6
Clinical stage
 II 16 6.4
 III + IV 234 93.6
Surgery in primary lesion
 Yes 17 6.8
 No 233 93.2
Chemotherapy before BM
 Yes 225 90
 No 25 10
Chemo cycles
 <10 226 90.4
 ≥10 24 9.6
Radiotherapy in primary lesion
 Yes 132 47.2
 No 118 52.8
BED in brain
 ≤47.4 Gy 190 76
 >47.4 Gy 60 24
RFI (months)
 ≤20 232 92.8
 >20 18 7.2
External metastasis
 Yes 208 83.2
 No 42 16.8
Number of external metastasis
 ≤2 213 85.2
 >2 37 14.8
Maximum diameter of the largest tumor (cm)
 ≤2 112 44.8
 2-4 100 40
 4-6 25 10
 ≥6 13 5.2
Bilateral BM
 Yes 134 53.6
 No 116 46.4
Subfalcine herniation
 Yes 17 6.8
 No 233 93.2
Number of BMs
 ≤3 105 42
 >3 145 58
Severe neurological symptom
 Yes 53 78.8
 No 197 21.2
Pleural effusion
 Yes 64 25.6
 No 186 74.4
 ≤1.5 96 38.4
 >1.5 154 61.6

Abbreviations: BED, biologically effective dose; BM, brain metastasis; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; GPA, graded prognostic assessment; RFI, recurrence-free interval.