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. 2020 Mar 17;14(4):535–567. doi: 10.1007/s11571-020-09580-y

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Single Izhikevich fast spiking interneuron for D=0: a bifurcation diagram (i.e., plot of v(I) versus the time-averaged constant I¯ of the external input Iext) and b plot of the mean firing rate f versus I¯. Single Izhikevich regular spiking pyramidal cell for D=0: c bifurcation diagram (i.e, plot of v(E) versus I¯) and d plot of f versus I¯. In a, c, solid lines denote stable equilibrium points, and solid circles represent maximum and minimum values of the membrane potential v(X) (X=I or E) for the spiking states. Time series of the membrane potential v(X) of e the Izhikevich fast spiking interneuron and f the Izhikevich regular spiking pyramidal cell for I¯=700