Figure 6.
Embryonic AIF loss triggered the arrest of proliferation and enhancement of cellular apoptotic levels. (A) BrdU immunofluorescence analysis of a frozen section of AIF+/Y and AIF-/Y embryos at E8.5 and E9.5. Photographs of the head of a representative embryo. Bar: 500 μm. The BrdU labeling index was calculated as the ratio of BrdU/Hoechst fluorescence measured in a fixed surface. Data in the histogram represent mean ± SEM (n = ratio obtained in at least 5 different surfaces of 3 independent embryonic sections). (B) TUNEL staining of a PFA fixed cryosection of AIF+/Y and AIF-/Y embryos at E8.5 and E9.5. Bar: 500 μm. The TUNEL labeling index was obtained as the ratio of TUNEL/Hoechst fluorescence measured in a fixed surface. Data in the histogram represent mean ± SEM (n = ratio obtained in at least 5 different surfaces of 3 independent embryonic sections). Statistical significance in (A) and (B) was calculated by the student t test. Bars represent mean ± SEM.