Fig. 4.
Structural and functional impact of bSS-31 interactions with ATP-producing enzymes. Distance constraints of 0 to 35 Å between the α-carbon of K3 of bSS-31 and the α-carbon of cross-linked lysine residues (green spheres) were used in molecular docking. The top 10 docking results are selected to show the ranges of bSS-31 positions in semitransparent blue surface view with the first docking position displayed in blue ball-and-stick view. CL and CL binding residues are shown in magenta ball-and-stick and space-filled representation, respectively. (A) Structure of bSS-31 interaction with ATP synthase with zoomed Inset. (B) A side view of octameric KCRS (PDB: 1crk) bridging outer and inner membranes of mitochondria is shown in cartoon representation at Left. Shown at Right is monomeric chain A in ribbon view with CL binding residues, K408, R418, and K419, in magenta space-filled balls, and cross-linked residue K230 in green spheres. (C) Structural representation of b-SS31 and ADT interaction in the BKA-locked m-state (PDB: 6gci). Cross-linked lysines K33 and K272 are shown in green spheres and CL is shown in magenta ball-and-stick view. The substrate binding sites, K23, R80, R280, Y187, G183, I184, and S228, are shown in red spheres. Interactive versions of the structures can be viewed at Insets show detailed view of salt bridge interaction between D232 residue and Arg residue in bSS-31 and aromatic stacking between Y187 and dimethyl tyrosine in bSS-31. (D) Proposed model of FA-dependent proton leak via ADT (Top) (66), SS-31 binding of ADT possibly prevents proton leak with its two positively charged residues (Bottom). (E) SS-31 treatment increases ADP-stimulated respiration in mitochondria isolated from old mice. (F) SS-31 treatment decreases Km for ADP in vivo in old mice. #P < 0.05 using a paired t test compared to old control. Error bars represent the SEM.