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. 2020 Jun 26;27:102320. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102320

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Significant QA changes between controls and TLE patients, before and after surgery, in parts of tracts revealed by connectometry. Significant QA changes in subsections of bundles were found between groups (confirmatory grid point: FDR < 0.05; T-score = 3). Subsections of tracts in which patients had a significant QA reduction or increase relative to controls are coloured in purple and green, respectively (A,C). Left and right TLE patients had a greater decrease of QA in ipsilateral inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) and uncinate fasciculus (UF). Greater reductions in QA were also observed in ipsilateral corticothalamic pathway (CT) in left TLE patients and anterior commissure (AC) in right TLE patients. Left TLE also showed a greater increase of QA in ipsilateral corticostriatal pathway (CS), frontopontine tract (FPT) and corticospinal tract (CST). The beeswarm plots show the longitudinal changes in QA between groups for all subsections found by connectometry (label all in the plot) and the bundles with greater difference between groups. Each datapoint indicates a single subject. For visualisation purposes, only the three bundles with highest values of cohen-D are presented in the beeswarm plot (see Tables S5 and S6 for complete list). (B,D) The tract bundles where subsections were found to be significantly different by connectometry were determined to estimate the AAL regions those subsections are connecting to. The weight of the connections/edges is proportional to the amount of tracts with altered subsections. For visualisation, only the top 70% of strongest connections are shown. All the connections in which the subsections in Fig. 3A and C were found are presented in Figures S3 and S4. A table with the names and abbreviations of all regions and bundles can be found in Tables S7 and S8. AC - Anterior cingulum; CUN - Cuneus; ORBinf - Inferior frontal, orbital; IFTrian - Inferior frontal, triangular; IO - Inferior occipital; IT - Inferior temporal; INS - Insula; LIN - Lingual; MF - Middle frontal; ORBmid - Middle frontal, orbital; MO - Middle occipital; MT - Middle temporal; PCL - Paracentral lobule; PoC - Postcentral; PCUN - Precuneus; SF - Superior frontal, dorsolateral; SFMed - Superior frontal, medial; SMA - Supplementary Motor Area. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)