Fig. 5.
Connectogram comprising the surgery induced changes detected by graph-theory and connectometry in left TLE patients. Graph theory: Graph-theory changes between patients and controls are displayed in the circles. The outer and inner circle indicates the z-score between groups for eigenvector and betweenness centrality, respectively. Z-score values are represented by a red-blue gradient, in which red indicates the minimum calculated z-score and blue the maximum value. Z-score for node eigenvector changed between −2.35 and 1.17 and z-score for node betweenness between −1.83 and 3.15. The black rectangles indicate the AAL regions with significant change in node eigenvector or node betweenness centrality after FDR correction. Connectometry: The connections with significant changes in their subsections as identified by connectometry are displayed in the centre. The weight of the connection is proportional to the amount of streamlines in which QA changes were detected. A table of AAL region names and abbreviations can be found in Table S8. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)