Fig. 5.
Fit of the neutral models for larval bacterial communities with corresponding bacterioplankton as the source. a The Venn diagrams show the number and proportion of OTUs being unique in shrimp larvae/rearing water and shared by larvae and water. The OTUs that occurred more frequently than predicted by the model are shown in green, while those occurred less frequently than predicted are shown in orange. Blue dashed lines represent 95% confidence intervals around the model prediction and the OTUs fall within the confidence intervals were considered as neutrally distributed. R2 values present the goodness of fit of the neutral model, ranging from 0 (no fit) to 1 (perfect fit). The histograms show the cumulative relative abundance of three categories of OTUs (above prediction, below prediction, and neutrally distributed) in larval bacterial communities at each stage. b The taxonomic distribution of three categories of OTUs at three sub-stages of zoea, when the occurrence of the larvae-water shared OTUs in larval bacterial communities fitted the model