Fig. 3. Comparison of PMMA subsurface layers and thin PMMA surface layers.
a, c Peak heights and b, d spectral peak positions extracted from experimental (large dots) and calculated (lines) nano-FTIR phase spectra, as a function of PMMA depth d2 (left column) and PMMA thickness t1 (right column), for different demodulation orders n = 3 (red) and n = 4 (blue). The solid and dashed lines are calculated with and without the far-field factor (1 + r)² in Eq. (1), respectively. The gray horizontal dotted line indicates the peak position ωref experimentally obtained on thick (bulk) PMMA samples. Inset: definition of and . Each experimental data point shows mean values and standard deviation (error bars) obtained from ten averaged (5×) spectra (16 averaged spectra for d2 ≥ 85 nm).