Figure 2.
(A) Immunohistochemical images of EpCAM- and CK19-positive HPCs as markers of DR in NASH biopsies in early (F0–1) and late fibrosis (F2–4). EpCAM- and CK19-positive cells were counted in the portal tracts and scored from 0 to 4; IHC score of (B) EpCAM and (C) CK19 in patients with NASH in the early and late fibrosis groups. The IHC score was calculated as positive cells per field in the portal areas. A score of 0 represented <5% positive cells; a score of 1, 5–25% positive cells; a score of 2, 25–50% positive cells; a score of 3, 50–75% positive cells; a score of 4, >75% positive cells. EpCAM, epithelial cell adhesion molecule; HPC, hepatic progenitor cell; DR, ductular reaction; NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; IHC, immunohistochemical.