Table 3.
Interaction Energetics of Tropomyosin Segments Docked to F-Actin
Tpm segment | Interaction Energy Tpm for F-Actin C-State-Leaning Poses (kcal/mol) |
Interaction Energy Tpm for F-Actin B-State-Facing Poses (kcal/mol) |
Electrostatic | van der Waals | Electrostatic + van der Waals | Electrostatic | van der Waals | Electrostatic + van der Waals | |
α2β2α3 | −913 | −22 | −935 | −1055 | −11 | −1066 |
α3β3α4 | −1271 | −31 | −1302 | −1175 | −24 | −1199 |
α4β4α5 | −1219 | −34 | −1253 | −1115 | −17 | −1132 |
α5β5α6 | −1365 | −58 | −1423 | −1086 | −23 | −1109 |
Overlap β6α7β7α1β1α2 | −1132 | −42 | −1174 | −1219 | −36 | −1255a |
Total measured | −5900 | −187 | −6087 | −5650 | −111 | −5761 |
Values for highest-ranked poses, i.e., in which the superhelical path of tropomyosin on F-actin target is followed. Please note that the interaction energy for pseudorepeats in the midpiece of tropomyosin is greater (more negative) for the C- versus the B-state tropomyosin, but values for the ends and the overlapping domain are the opposite, consistent with the possibility that the overlapping domain sets the initial twist of tropomyosin on actin and that TnI interactions might be important for establishing the B-state twist. In all cases, low-ranking poses representing tropomyosin delimited by the A-triad on actin (as in (14,48)) yielded poor (less negative) interaction energies (data not shown). Tabulation of values for α1β1α2 and α6β6α7 interactions is not measured because PIPER/ClusPro rigid-body docking protocols used do not allow for conformational twisting between α-zones at these sites and because their α1 and α7 are contained in overlapping structures on actin.
Positioning tropomyosin at the Li et al. azimuth (14) yields a 305 kcal/mol less negative value for the overlap-actin interaction.