Expression, subcellular localization and overexpression analysis of the GmPR08‐Bet VI. (a) Subcellular localization of the GmPR08‐Bet VI protein. The coding sequences of GmPR08‐Bet VI were fused to the N‐terminal end of the eYFP and delivered into onion epidermal cells using biolistic bombardment. YFP fluorescence was mainly localized in the cytoplasm like the GmSHMT08 and GmSNAP18 proteins. (b) Expression analysis of GmPR08‐Bet VI in Forrest and Essex in response to SCN infection. Quantitative RT‐PCR analysis of GmPR08‐Bet VI in the resistant line, Forrest, and susceptible line, Essex, from infected (3 days, 5 days and 10 days) and non‐infected (control) root tissue with SCN HG‐type 0. Expressions were normalized using ubiquitin as reference; the mean ± standard deviation (SD) is shown. E, Essex; F, Forrest; DAI, days after infection; Ctrl, control plant. (c) Overexpression analysis in transgenic WI82 composite roots transformed by pG2RNAi2::GmPR08‐Bet VI and pG2RNAi2::GmPR08‐Bet VIΔ+E71A,Y85A
. The experiments were repeated three times, and similar results were obtained. The data shown represent the averages and SD from all three biological repeats (n = 15). (d) qRT‐PCR of GmPR08‐Bet VI transcript levels in Forrest WT, control, pG2RNAi2::GmPR08‐Bet VI and pG2RNAi2::GmPR08‐Bet VIΔ+E71A,Y85A
in the overexpressed soybean transgenic roots. Asterisks and connecting letters indicate significant differences between the tested lines as determined by ANOVA (***P < 0.0001, *P < 0.05).