Table 1.
Study index | Pub status | Child No. | Country | Primary language | Dev Status | Mean age at LENA (month) | LENA’s automated measures | No. of recordings | Duration of LENA recording (Hr) | Age at language measures (month) | Outcome measure | Language test modality | Language test method | |
1 | Adams et al. (2018) | 1 | 56 | US | English | TD | 16.3 | AWC CVC |
1 | 14.7 | 18 | Bayley, MCDI | Mixed | Mixed |
1 | Adams et al. (2018) | 1 | 41 | US | English | Preterm | 16.1 | AWC CVC |
1 | 14.7 | 16.1 18 |
Bayley, MCDI | Mixed | Mixed |
2 | Ambrose et al. (2014) | 1 | 28 | US | English | HL | 25.75 | AWC CTC |
6.14 | 12.19 | 24.7 36.6 |
MSEL, CASL | Mixed | Mixed |
3 | Caskey et al. (2014) | 1 | 36 | US | English | Preterm | −1.59 −0.85 |
2 | 16 | 7 18 |
Bayley | Mixed | Direct child assessment |
4 | Elo (2016) | 2 | 20 | Finland | Finnish | Mixeda | 9 | AWC CTC CVC |
7.1 | 10.56 | 12 18 24 |
MCDI | Mixed | Parent report |
5 | Gilkerson, Richards, Warren, et al. (2017) | 1 | 306 | US | English | TD | 25 | AWC CTC CVC |
9.8 | 12 | Concurrent | PLS, REEL, MCDI, CDI | Expressive | Mixed |
6 | Gilkerson et al. (2018) | 1 | 146 | US | English | TD | 21.48 | AWC CTC |
5.17 | 12 | 140.88 | VCI, EVT, PPVT | Mixed | Direct child assessment |
7 | Greenwood et al. (2011) | 1 | 30 | US | English | TD | 15.6 | AWC CTC CVC |
24 | 12 | Concurrent | PLS | Mixed | Direct child assessment |
8 | R. McDaniel and Purdy (2013) | 2 | 8 | New Zealand | English | HL | 40 | AWC CVC |
3 | 8–12 | Concurrent | PLS | Mixed | Direct child assessment |
9 | Mahr & Edward (2019) | 1 | 121 | US | English | TD | 32.9 | AWC | 2 | >10 | 38.68 | EVT, PPVT |
Mixed | Direct child assessment |
10 | J. McDaniel, Yoder, Estes, and Rogers (2019) | 2 | 87 | US | English | ASD | 23.42 29.42 |
CVC | NR | NR | Concurrent Longitudinal (6 months interval) |
MCDI, MSEL, VABS, CSP | Expressive | Direct child assessment |
11 | Patterson (2010) | 2 | 12 | Canada | English | ASD | 33 | AWC CTC CVC |
NR | 9.5 | Concurrent | MCDI | Mixed | Parent report |
12 | Ramírez-Esparza, García-Sierra, and Kuhl (2017) | 1 | 26 | US | English | TD | 12.84 | AWC | 4 | 8 | 24 | MCDI | Expressive | Parent report |
13 | Rufsvold, Wang, Hartman, Arora, and Smolen (2018) | 1 | 41 | US | English | Mixedb | 46.93 | AWC CTC CVC |
1 | 16 | Concurrent | PPVT | Receptive | Direct child assessment |
14 | Swanson | 1 | 78 | US | English | Mixedc | 12.77 | AWC | 2 | 15.77 | 25.34 | Mullen, MSEL | Mixed | Direct child assessment |
15 | VanDam et al. (2012) | 1 | 22 | US | English | HL | 29.4 | AWC CTC |
1 | 11.89 | 25.3 | MSEL | Receptive | Mixed |
16 | Walle and Warlaumont (2015) | 2 | 13 | US | English | Mixedd | 12.75 | AWC CTC CVC |
1 | 15.23 | Concurrent | MCDI | Mixed | Parent report |
17 | Xu et al. (2012) | 1 | 22 | China | Mandarin | TD | 16.80 | AWC CTC |
3 | 16 | Concurrent | ILDSS | Mixed | Mixed |
Note: Pub Status: Publication status: 1 (peer-reviewed published journal articles), 2 (non-peer-reviewed or unpublished reports); Child No.: the number of children who participated in the studies; Dev Status: developmental status. TD: children with typically-developing; HL: children with hearing loss; ASD: children with Autism Spectrum Disorders; Mixeda: the population included preterm and term infants; Mixedb: the population included both children with NH and children with HL; Mixedc: the population include children with ASD and TD; Mixedd: the population included walking and crawling infants; AWC: adult word count, CTC: conversational turn count; CVC: child vocalization count; NR indicated that “data missing or not reported”. Bayley: the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development; CDI: Child Development Inventory; CASL: the Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language; CSP: Communication Sample Procedure; EVT: Expressive Vocabulary Test; ILDSS: Infant Language Development Screening Scales; MCDI: the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory; MSEL: Mullen Scale of Early Learning: PLS: the Preschool Language Scale; PPVT: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; REEL: the Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Test; VABS: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale; VCI: Verbal Comprehension Index.