Figure 5. Verteporfin PLGA microparticles attenuate glioblastoma growth in vivo.
(a) Timeline of in vivo experiment. (b) Average bioluminescence readings of GBM1A tumors treated VP-loaded PLGA MP (VP-MP) vs Vehicle control MP (Veh-MP) over a 26 d period. (c) Representative bioluminescence images of GBM1A tumors before (Day 0) and after (Day 26) VP-MP vs Veh-MP intratumoral treatment. (c) Average GBM1A tumor volume of VP-MP vs Veh-MP treated mice measured using calipers over a 26 d period. (e) Average fold change in tumor volume pre- vs post-treatment of VP-MP vs Veh-MP. (f) Macroscopic images of GBM1A tumors post-VP-MP and Veh-MP treatment. (f) Postextraction volume of VP-MP vs Veh-MP treated GBM1A tumors. All error bars are s.e.m. * = P < 0.05 as determined by Student’s t-test or ANOVA, Tukey’s multiple comparison test.