Fig 3. miR-25-5p and miR-4730 can enhance HCV-RNA replication via non-miR-122-type interaction.
(A) Diagrams of possible interaction between HCV 5’UTR and synthetic miRNAs with 7nt-match and 8nt-match. Gray-shaded area and framed by dashed line in gray indicate possible interaction region and G-U wobble pair, respectively. Nucleotides in red are important region for the enhancement by miR-122 shown in Fig 1D. (B) Sequence alignment of miR-122 and synthetic miRNAs with 7nt-match and 8nt-match. Mismatching nucleotides were shown in red. (C) Intracellular HCV-RNA levels of 751-122KO cells infected with JFH1 in the presence of mimic control, miR-122, miR-122-mt6 and synthetic miRNAs with 7nt-match shown in Fig 3A. (D) Intracellular HCV-RNA levels of 751-122KO cells infected with JFH1 in the presence of mimic control, miR-122, miR-122-mt6, miR-25-5p, miR-652-5p, miR-1236-5p and miR-4730 were determined at 72 hpi by qRT-PCR. The data are representative of three independent experiments. Error bars indicate the standard deviation of the mean and asterisks indicate significant differences (**P < 0.01) versus the results for the control.