Table 3:
The objects contained in the runinfo file.
Variable | Description |
N | The number of subjects |
X | The design matrix |
varNamesX | The names of the columns of the design matrix |
varInModel | Whether a variable is included in the model |
interactions | The interactions in the model in terms of the design matrix |
interactionsBase | The interactions in the model in terms of the original covariates |
YtildeStar | The Nq × V matrix of preprocessed data |
beta0Star | The initial guess for the beta maps |
covariates | The covariate names |
covfile | The filepath to the covariate file |
isCat | A p × 1 vector indexing categorical covariates |
maskfl | The path to the mask file |
niifiles | A cell array of paths to the subject level fMRI data |
numPCA | The number of principal components for preprocessing |
outfolder | Path to the output directory |
prefix | Prefix for the files in the analysis |
q | The number of independent components |
thetaStar | Structure containing initial guess values |
time_num | The number of time points for each subject |
voxSize | The dimension of the mask |
Table 3 displays the variables contained in the runinfo file for a HINT analysis.