(A) Assembly processes for nine major bacterial groups (left panel) across all 358 samples and for the six individual sampling dates (right panel), encompassing between 59 or 60 samples. Gammaproteobacteria include Betaproteobacteria. (B) Assembly processes in defined scenarios: Temporal distance > 0 (“Between Months”), Temporal distance = 0 (“Within Months”), spatial distance < 2 m & temporal distance > 150 days, and spatial distance > 8 m & temporal distance < 60 days. The latter two scenarios theoretically support homogenizing dispersal, and dispersal limitation, respectively. UQ/LQ = Upper/lower quartiles of between-sample differences in soil moisture (SM) and pH. Depicted is the mean with its 95% confidence interval for values averaged over nine major bacterial groups (see left panel of A). No pairwise comparison yielded a significant difference of distribution means.