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. 2020 Feb 27;39(8):2307–2315. doi: 10.1007/s10067-020-04970-3

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Evidence network for ASAS20 NMA. Each intervention is represented by a node and randomized comparisons are shown as links between the nodes. The size of each node represents the number of patients randomized to each treatment, and the width of connections is reflective of number of RCTs. Abbreviations: ADA, adalimumab; APR, apremilast; ASAS20, improvement of ≥ 20% in the Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society Criteria; CZP, certolizumab pegol; ETN, etanercept; FIL, filgotinib; GOL, golimumab; IFX, infliximab; IV, intravenous; IXE, ixekizumab; LD, loading dose; NMA, network meta-analysis; PBO, placebo; Q2W, every 2 weeks; Q4W, every 4 weeks; RIS, risankizumab; TOF, tofacitinib; SC, subcutaneous; SEC, secukinumab; UST, ustekinumab