Movie 6. Chromatin compaction during differentiation and identification of novel chromatin subdomains.
Correlative data sets of granule progenitor (GNP, left) and cerebellar granule neurons (CGN, right). Part 1: overall correlation between the FIB-SEM (plasma membrane, cyan; cellular interior orange) and cryo-SIM of the nuclear domain reference proteins HP1α (green) and H3.3 (magenta). Part 2: cutaway views of EM-defined chromatin domains for a GNP nucleus (left) and a CGN nucleus (right). Part 3: orthoslices through the CLEM volumes indicating subdomains defined by overlap between EM-defined nuclear domains and nuclear domain reference proteins. Part 4: 3D surface renderings of CLEM defined nuclear chromatin subdomains for the GNP and CGN nuclei (Fig. 7).