Near-isogenic lines validate the chromosome V QTL. (A) NIL genotypes on chromosome V are shown, colored orange (N2) and blue (CB4856). From top to bottom, strains are N2, ECA232, ECA1114, and CB4856. The dotted vertical line represents the location of scb-1. (B) NIL phenotypes in eight chemotherapeutics (12.5 µM amsacrine, 12.5 µM bleomycin, 2 µM bortezomib, 250 µM carmustine, 125 µM cisplatin, 62.5 µM etoposide, 300 µM puromycin, and 100 µM silver) are plotted as Tukey box plots with strain (y-axis) by relative median optical density (median.EXT, x-axis). Statistical significance was calculated for each strain pair (File S7). Significance of each strain compared to its parental strain (ECA232 to N2 and ECA1114 to CB4856) is shown above each strain pair and colored by the parent strain against which it was tested (ns = non-significant (p-value > 0.05); *, **, ***, and **** = significant (p-value < 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, or 0.0001, respectively).