Figure 4.
Mediation analysis for the eQTL hotspot on the center of chromosome V. Mediation estimates calculated as the indirect effect that differences in expression of each gene plays in the overall phenotype (y-axis) are plotted against the genomic position of the eQTL (x-axis) on chromosome V for 49 probes (including scb-1 (red diamond)) that map to the chromosome V eQTL hotspot (set 1 RIAILs). A representative trait for each drug from the set 1 linkage mapping analysis are shown: amascrine (median.EXT), bleomycin (median.EXT), cisplatin (median.TOF), and silver (median.norm.EXT). The 90th percentile of the distribution of mediation estimates for each trait are represented by the horizontal gray lines. The confidence intervals for the QTL (set 1 RIAILs) are shown with the vertical blue dotted lines. The confidence of the estimate increases (p-value decreases) as points become less transparent.