General network parameters |
Density |
The proportion of present edges in comparison to the number of all possible edges [16]. |
Component |
Two nodes are part of the same network component if they are connected by at least one path through the network [27]. A path is thereby defined as a sequence of nodes connected by edges [16]. |
Fragmentation |
The proportion of the number of connected components to the number of nodes in the network [28]. |
Community |
Subset of nodes in which there are significantly more edges as expected by chance (group of preferentially linked nodes) [16,29]. |
Modularity |
Community detection is characterized by the modularity function Q which is maximized (Qmax) in order to detect the most suitable partition of the network [30]. |
Centrality parameters |
Degree |
Measure of the number of edges directly connected to a node [16]. |
Betweenness |
Extent to which a node lies on the shortest paths between other nodes in the network [10]. |
Closeness |
Mean reciprocal distance from one node to all other reachable nodes in the network [10]. |