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. 2020 May 31;10(6):958. doi: 10.3390/ani10060958

Table 5.

Effects of dietary SAB powder on intestinal and caecal bacterial populations (lg10 CFU/g wet intestinal/caecal content).

Parameter SAB 0% SAB 0.025% SAB 0.05% SEM p-Value
Intestinal content
E. coli 6.361 a 6.359 a 6.357 b 0.001 0.0100
Staphylococci 6.169 a 6.165 ab 6.163 b 0.001 0.0118
Lactobacilli 7.404 a 7.412 b 7.419 c 0.002 ˂0.0001
Salmonella spp. absent absent absent NA NA
Caecal content
E. coli 10.191 a 10.190 a 10.174 b 0.003 <0.0002
Staphylococci 8.836 a 8.829 a 8.819 b 0.003 0.0013
Lactobacilli 11.564 a 11.637 b 11.665 c 0.011 <0.0001
Salmonella spp. absent absent absent NA NA

a, b, c Means in the same line with different superscripts differ significantly (p < 0.05). NA: not calculated, n = 10.