Figure 5.
(a) Changes of capric (solid symbols) and lauric acids (open symbols) and (b) of palmitic (solid symbols) and oleic acids (open symbols) in milk of African elephants during lactation (Shorty (●○), Bloem (♦◊) Mussina (■□), and others (▲Δ)). Trend lines for combined data of all elephants were y = −0.0617x2 + 2.802x + 32.557 and R2 = 0.9421 for C10:0, y = 0.0203x2 − 0.8453x + 26.226 and R2 = 0.4451 for C12:0, y = 0.0211x2 − 0.9033x + 11.591 and R2 = 0.7818 for 16:0, and y = 0.0217x2 − 1.018x + 13.997 and R2 = 0.6586 for C18:1c9.