Figure 5.
BK virus localized to the inner cortex and medulla of the transplated kidney. BKV tissue pvl loads in BK viremic samples (n=275) were greater in samples containing medulla versus cortical samples without medulla (A; right and left bars, respectively; scores were derived from the maximal SV40T or cytopathology score). Banff pvl score reflected greater numbers of infected tubules per sample (A). Morphometric analysis of samples containing cortex and medulla (n=39) found that the absolute number of SV40T-positive nuclei (B; expressed as total numbers of cells per region) and the areal density (C; SV40T-positive cells per millimeter2) were greatest in the deep inner cortex (including the corticomedullary junction and the medulla) compared with outer cortex of the kidney. Mean ± SEM. *P=0.05 versus outer cortex; **P=0.01 versus outer cortex; ***P<0.001 versus outer cortex.