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. 2020 Jul 7;10:11136. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-67882-x

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics and results of tests comparing female and male participants.

Variable n M SD Cases Controls t / χ2 d/OR p
R2D:4D −  2.46 −  0.08 0.01
   Female 1,834 1.001 0.049
   Male 1,555 0.997 0.047
L2D:4D −  3.92 −  0.14 < 0.0001
   Female 1,827 1.003 0.055
   Male 1,560 0.996 0.054
HIST 23.78 1.99 < 0.0001
   Female 1,834 168 1,666
   Male 1,555 75 1,480
NEUR −  14.70 −  0.51 < 0.0001
   Female 1,794 4.264 3.711
   Male 1,522 2.382 3.630
PHQ-2 0.47 0.027 0.64
   Female 647 2.989 1.239
   Male 563 3.023 1.287

2D:4D = the length of the second digit divided by the length of the fourth digit of the hand (R = right hand, L = left hand), M=mean, HIST = history of depression, NEUR = neuroticism, OR= odds ratio, PHQ-2 = Patient Health Questionnaire-2, SD=standard deviation. HIST was measured as a binary variable (cases = diagnosed at least once, controls = never diagnosed). χ2 and OR are only reported for HIST.