Rescue of white-spotting mutations by Dsk1 or Dsk7. (a–c) Ednrbs–l/s–l, Ednrbs–l/s–l
GnaqDsk1/+ and Ednrbs–l/s–l
Gna11Dsk7/+ mice. (d,e) Kitw–v/w–v, Kitw–v/w–v
Gna11Dsk7/+and Kitw–v/w–v
GnaqDsk1/+ mice. Mice shown are representative of more than five of each genotype. (f) Representative 5-week-old progeny from a cross between Gna11Dsk7/+ and Kitw–v/+ mice. (g) The percentage of mice with white belly hair is indicated for each genotype. Gof, gain-of-function (Dsk1 and Dsk7 alleles); Kit, Kitw–v; Sp, Pax3Splotch; Ed, Ednrbss–l.