Figure 8.
No effect on Aβ production by Lrp4 mutation in 5xFAD mice. A, qPCR analysis of App and genes involved in its processing in 5xFAD;Lrp4f/f and 5xFAD;GFAP-Lrp4f/f mice at 1.5 months in the hippocampus. n = 3 for each group: App, t(4) = 0.3824, p = 0.7216; Bace1, t(4) = 0.3053, p = 0.7754; Bace2, t(4) = 1.109, p = 0.3296; Psen1, t(4) = 0.3639, p = 0.7343; Psen2, t(4) = 0.1852, p = 0.8621; APP, t(4) = 0.8909, p = 0.4233; PSEN1, t(4) = 0.3018, p = 0.7778, unpaired t test. B, Illustration of human APP structure and its cleavage sites. The indication of the epitopes for the antibodies 6E10 and 8717 and the cleavage fragments CTFβ and CTFα. C, Western blot analysis of APP-FL, βCTF, and αCTF levels using the indicated antibodies. Homogenates of cortex and hippocampus from 5xFAD;Lrp4f/f and 5xFAD;GFAP-Lrp4f/f mice at 1.5 months of age were subjected to Western blot. n = 3 for each group. Three independent replicated experiments were performed. D, Quantification of APP-FL: Ctx, t(4) = 0.0061, p = 0.9954; Hippo, t(4) = 0.9009, p = 0.4186, unpaired t test. E, Quantification of cleavage products βCTF: Ctx, t(4) = 0.2929, p = 0.7842; Hippo, t(4) = 0.8861, p = 0.4256, unpaired t test. F, Quantification of cleavage products αCTF: Ctx, t(4) = 0.8065, p = 0.4652; Hippo, t(4) = 0.9339, p = 0.4032, unpaired t test. Data are mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05.