Extended Data Figure 6. Effects of Rac1, Arp2/3 and myosin-II inhibitions on rotating cell trains.
a, PBD signal distribution before (top) and after (bottom) addition of the Rac1 inhibitor Z62954982 (100 μM) on rotating rings. b, Intensity profile of PBD signal in entire rings before (top) and after (bottom) drug treatment. Expanded views (marked in red box) showing the disappearance of a single cell PBD signal gradient after drug addition. c, Kymograph of the PBD images traced along the circumferential midline of the ring track; the white dashed line indicates drug addition. d, e, Coordination parameters and speeds measured before and after Rac1 inhibition. Black dashed lines indicate drug addition (n=5, m=2). f, Coordination parameters evolution before and following Arp2/3 inhibition (CK666,100 μM, n=37) and myosin-II inhibition (Blebbistatin, 80 μM, n=30). Dashed vertical lines (blue and red color) indicate the point of drug addition respectively. All error bars indicated are standard deviations. All scale bars: 50 μm.