Figure 8. Crystalline silica association with monocytes and neutrophils on a cell by cell basis.
Association crystalline silica with monocytes and neutrophils expressed as the percentage of total gated phagocytic cells by ISX analysis. Percentage of CD14+ monocytes (green) and CD16b+ neutrophils (yellow) gated as darkfield bright detail intensity high (BDI high) expressed as a percentage of the total gated cells (single phagocyte/focused cell gate) in whole blood incubations with crystalline silica (n = 5 individual subjects). Boxplots display Q1-Q3 with whiskers set at 1.5 x IQR (interquartile range) above the third quartile and 1.5 x IQR below the first quartile, minimum or maximum values that have fallen outside this range are shown as outliers (small black dots). A significant difference between monocytes and neutrophils at each concentration was assessed using Tukey’s honest significance test for multiple comparisons following a one way ANOVA. * p = 0.001.