Fig. 8. Hybrid nano-emitters in the single photon regime.
a AFM image of a nanocube-based hybrid nano-emitter. The polymer lobes contain a single or a few QDs. b, c PL spectrum time trace of t = 50 s excited by linearly polarized laser along ϕ = 0° at 405 nm. In b, at time t = 32 s, the polarization direction is rotated to ϕ = 90°. d g(2) measurement showing g(2)(0) = 0.35. e Typical lifetime measurement on a single-QD hybrid nano-emitter, lifetime ∼0.725 ns. The blue curve represents the instrumentation response function of 0.63 ns. f Lifetime measurements. Comparison between single QD in polymer without gold nanocubes (measure: red curve, fitting: black curve 17.5 ns) and single QD in the vicinity of a gold nanocube (hybrid nano-emitter: yellow curve).