Fig. 4. PI3Kδ regulates IL-10 expression in human and mouse B cells.
a IL-10 expression in human B cells stimulated through TLR9± pan inhibition of PI3K (PI3Ki, ZSTK474) (n = 4, pval = 0.008). b IL-10 expression in human B cells stimulated through TLR9± inhibitors for specific family members of PI3K: these being δ (Nemiralisib), γ (IP-549), or α (HS-173), over a range of concentrations (n = 4). c IL-10 and TNF expression in mouse B cells after stimulation through TLR9. Mice used were wild type (WT), hyperactive PI3Kδ (E1020K), or catalytically inactive PI3Kδ (D910A) (n = 3, pval = 0.002 and <0.0001). Each data point represents individual donors or mice. Data presented are mean ± SD. Statistical testing in figures in a was done by a paired t test, or in c by a one-way ANOVA with Dunnet’s multiple comparisons test. **P < 0.01, ****P < 0.0001 and all significant values are shown.