Figure 3.
Subcellular localization of MpRRT1-tagRFP protein in liverwort. Thallus cells in 2-week-old gemmalings of transgenic pro35S:MpRRT1-tagRFP liverworts co-overexpressing Citrine-MpUSE1A (A–C), Citrine-MpSYP4 (D–F), or Citrine-MpSYP3 (G–I) were observed with a laser scanning confocal microscope. The localization of the Citrine-proteins (green) (A, D, G), tagRFP florescence (B, E, H), and their merged images (C, F, I) are shown. In D–I, small white squares are shown at an increased magnification at the upper right. Scale bars, 25 μm.