Effect of acute continuous nocturnal light exposure (ACNLE) on c-Fos expression in the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) under sevoflurane anesthesia. (A), c-Fos immunostaining and DAPI nuclear staining in the VLPO. 3V, the third ventricle. AC, the anterior commissure. Bar = 500 μm. Bar = 200 μm. The white boxes in (A) are 250 μm tall by 400 μm wide and correspond to the location used for counting. (B), quantitative analysis of the merged number of c-Fos and cells in the ND and NL groups. There was no difference in c-Fos expression depending on whether sevoflurane was administered in light (NL) or darkness (ND). (n = 7 in group ND, n = 8 in group NL, unpaired t-test). ND, nighttime administration of sevoflurane (20:00-24:00) in the dark; NL, nighttime administration of sevoflurane (20:00-24:00) with exposure to light.