Table 6.
Effects of source and level of NDF from roughage on ruminal content characteristics and ruminal mat consistency
Experimental diets1 | |||||||
Items | 10CS | 20CS | SCB | SC | SH | LOCH | SEM |
Rumen fill2 | 2.00b | 1.96b | 4.00a | 3.50ab | 1.10b | 1.90b | 0.08 |
Rumen content | |||||||
Rumen DM, g/kg | 155.00c | 195.00ab | 213.70a | 195.80ab | 152.80c | 182.90b | 04.50 |
Wet weight, kg | 36.66 | 42.70 | 41.55 | 43.06 | 39.19 | 41.70 | 2.67 |
Dry weight, kg | 5.75b | 8.35a | 8.88a | 8.42a | 6.01b | 7.64a | 0.54 |
Ruminal mat consistency2 | |||||||
Time3, s | 399d | 1,520bc | 1,895ab | 2,060a | 448d | 1,045c | 140 |
Distance4, min/cm | 56.25a | 51.66ab | 42.45b | 43.00b | 54.40a | 47.01ab | 2.52 |
Ascend rate5, cm/s | 8.51a | 2.07b | 1.34b | 1.33b | 7.76a | 2.81b | 0.36 |
110CS, 10% of aNDF from corn silage; 20CS, 20% of aNDF from corn silage; SCB, 10CS + 10% of aNDF from sugarcane bagasse; SC, 10CS + 10% of aNDF from sugarcane; SH, 10CS + 10% of aNDF from soybean hulls; LOCH, 10CS + 10% of aNDF from low oil cottonseed hulls.
2Rumen fill, grams of NDF concentration in the ruminal content/kg of BW.
3As described by Welch (1982).
4Time of weight ascension inside the rumen.
5Distance travel inside the rumen.
6Weight ascends rate inside the rumen.
abMeans within a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).