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. 2020 Jun 30;11:1296. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01296


Diversity and richness indices relative to each sample.

Sample ID Seq num OTU Num1 Shannon Index2 ACE index3 Chao1 index3 Coverage4 Simpson index2
BD1 42258 526 0.93 1719.43 1018.77 0.99 0.66
BD7 47169 3395 7.14 3402.66 3396.20 1.00 0.01
SD1 69351 283 0.98 496.37 426.57 1.00 0.66
SD7 58766 640 0.93 1034.53 935.02 0.99 0.70
CD1 49884 646 2.94 819.58 736.27 1.00 0.11
CD7 56046 629 0.94 997.27 906.07 0.99 0.73

1OTUs were defined at the 97% sequence similarity level. 2Shannon and Simpson index were community diversity parameters. A higher number of Shannon index indicates a higher diversity, whereas a higher number of Simpson indicates a lower diversity. 3ACE index and Chao1 index were community richness parameters. A higher number indicates more richness. 4Coverage was the sequencing depth index, reflecting if the sequencing result represents the real situation of a sample. A higher number indicates lower probability that the sequence is not detected in the sample. Coverage of 1.00 means all the possible species in a sample has been covered in the sequencing.