Figure 4. Long-Range Resection and the Smc5/6 Complex Are Required for the Relocation of Collapsed Forks to the NPCs.
Percentage of zone 1 foci for CAG-130 S phase cells in (A) resection mutant strains, (B) mutants removing specific functions of Mre11, (C) Smc5/6 complex mutants, and (D) cells at indicated time points after release from alpha factor arrest in WT and the smc5-smt3 fusion strain (Smt3 at the C terminus). p = 0.025 for time point 40. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001 compared with WT by Fisher’s exact test. The number of cells analyzed per strain ranges from 150 to 288.
See Tables S1 and S4 for the exact number of cells analyzed, percentages, and p values.
See Table S1 and Figure S7A for zoning data for individual strains.