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. 2020 Jun 21;17(12):4448. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17124448

Table 4.

Description of the interventions and the results.

First Author, Year Type of Training Starting Intensity Progression of Training Intensity Number of Sessions per Week Number of Weeks Duration of Exercise Supervision Control/Placebo Specific Test Main Results of the Analyzed Variables
Romer, 2002 [58] POWERbreathe (threshold) 50% MIP Progressive increase, until they can only do 30 repetitions 2 sessions daily, 7 days per week 6 weeks 30 inspirations Supervised Placebo: 1 session of 60 inspirations at 15% MIP RSA ↑ PIF (≈20%)
↑ MIP (≈33%)
↑ Performance (≈7%)
Tong, 2006 [47] POWERbreathe (threshold) 40% MIP No progression 2 pre-test sessions Only 1 test 30 inspirations Supervised Placebo: same protocol, but at 15% MIP

Control: no intervention
Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test ↑ MIP (≈9%)
↑ Vmax (≈5%)
↑ WImax (≈21%)
↑ Popt (≈16%)
↑ MRPD (≈13%)
↓ RPB/4i (≈22%)
↑ Performance (≈19%)
Lin, 2007 [46] POWERbreathe (threshold) 40% MIP No progression 2 pre-test sessions Only 1 test 30 inspirations Supervised Placebo: same protocol, but at 15% MIP

Control: no intervention
Badminton-footwork test ↑ P0 (≈8%)
↑ MRPD (≈9%)
↓ RPB/min (≈7%)
↑ Performance (≈7%)
Tong, 2008 [38] POWERbreathe (threshold) 50% MIP Increase of 10 or 15 cmH2O when 30 repetitions are performed without stopping 2 sessions daily, 6 days per week 6 weeks 30 inspirations Supervised Placebo: same protocol, but at 15% MIP

Control: no intervention
Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test ↑ P0 (≈32%)
↑ WImax (≈40%)
↑ Popt (≈38%)
↑ MRPD (≈39%)
↓ RPE/4i (≈11%)
↓ RPB/4i (≈12%)
↓ 20 m VE (≈10%)
↓ 20 m VT/ti (≈8%)
↑ Performance (≈16%)
Nicks, 2009 [59] PowerLung (threshold) 50% MIP Progressive increase once or twice a week, until they can only do 30 repetitions 2 sessions daily, 5 days per week 5 weeks 30 inspirations Normally supervised, when not, participants submitted training logs Control: no intervention RSA ↑ MIP (≈20%)
↑ Performance (≈17%)
Tong, 2010 [50] POWERbreathe (threshold) EIMT = 50% MIP

EWU = 40% MIP
Increase of 10 or 15 cm H2O when 30 repetitions are performed without stopping EIMT = 2 sessions daily, 6 days per week

EWU = 2 pre-test sessions
EIMT = 4 weeks

EWU = 6 weeks
30 inspirations Not reported Control: no intervention Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test ↑ P0 (≈20%)
↓ RPE (≈8%)
↓ RPB (≈16%)
↓ 20 m VE (≈10%)
↓ 20 m VE/VO2 (≈8%)
↓ 20 m VT/Ti (≈10%)
↓ 10 s VE (≈10%)
↓ 10 s VE/VO2 (≈5%)
↑ Performance1 (≈31%)
↑ Performance2 (200 m, ≈ 25%; 600 m, ≈ 53%; 800 m, ≈ 36%)
Guy, 2014 [32] POWERbreathe (threshold) 55% MIP No progression 2 sessions daily, 2 days per week 6 weeks 30 inspirations Not reported Placebo: same protocol, but at 15% MIP

Control: no intervention
SSFT ↑ MIP (≈13%)
↓ Blood lactate (≈32%)
Archiza, 2017 [48] POWERbreathe (threshold) 50% MIP Progressive increase every week 2 sessions daily, 5 days per week 6 weeks 30 inspirations Supervised Placebo: same protocol, but at 15% MIP RSA ↑ MIP (≈22%)
↓ RSABEST (≈4%)
↓ RSAMEAN (≈6%)
↓ RSADEC (≈30%)
Nunes Júnior, 2018 [60] Breather Plus IMT Power (threshold) 80% MIP Progressive increase from the fourth training session 3 sessions per week 12 weeks 30 inspirations Supervised Control: same protocol but without resistance Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test ↑ MVV (22%)
↑ MIP (≈29%)
↑ MEP (≈32%)
↑ Performance (≈14%)
Najafi, 2019 [37] POWERbreathe (threshold) E1 = 55% MIP

E2 = 45% MIP
Progressive increase once a week 2 sessions daily, 5 days per week 8 weeks E1 = 25–35 inspirations

E2 = 45–55 inspirations
Supervised Placebo: 30 inspirations at 15% MIP Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test ↑ MIP (E1: 27.2%;
E2: 30.6%)
↓ RPE (E1: 26.9%;
E2: 28.9%)
↓ RPB (E1: 62.1%;
E2: 56.3%)
↓ Lactate (E1: 29.4%; E2: 27.5)
↓ Fatigue index
(E1: 34.4%; E2: 40.6%)
↑ Performance
(E1: 8.9%; E2: 8.1%)

* MIP = maximal inspiratory pressure, RSA = repeated sprint ability, PIF = peak inspiratory flow, Vmax = maximal inspiratory flow, WImax = maximal inspiratory muscle power, Popt = optimal pressure, MRPD = maximum rate of pressure development, RPB = rating of perceived dyspnea, P0 = maximal inspiratory pressure at zero flow, RPE = rating of perceived exertion, 20 m = sprint of 20 m, VE = minute ventilation, VT = tidal volume, Ti = inspiratory time, EIMT = chronic inspiratory muscle training, EWU = acute inspiratory muscle training (warm-up), RSABEST = RSA best performance time, RSAMEAN = RSA mean performance time, RSADEC = RSA performance decrement, MVV = maximum voluntary ventilation, MEP = maximal expiratory pressure, SSFT = soccer-specific fitness test protocol, E1 = IMT group number one, E2 = IMT group number two, ↑ = significant increase over control group (p < 0.05), ↓ = significant decrease over control group.