Figure 4.
MRB139, MRB141 and MRB142 do not recognize carb-LL37 and are not merely citrulline or homocitrulline specific. MRB139, MRB141 and MRB142 were diluted in ELISA plates coated with native LL37 or cit-LL37 or carb-LL37 and control REV LL37 peptides (REV) either in their citrullinated or carbamylated form (cit-REV, carb-REV), at the indicated dilutions. ELISA tests were performed as in Material and Methods. Results are expressed as the mean of triplicate cultures. Standard errors of the mean are indicated. Representative results form three independent experiments. p values by Student’s paired t-test (two-tailed) refer to difference between recognition of cit-LL37 as compared to all the other control peptides as indicated.