NORPA and PDF expression in adult and larval brains (A–C). Drosophila adult brain in which NORPA was overexpressed in the PDF neurons via Pdfgal4. (A) α-NORPA signal (green), (B) α-PDF signal (red), and (C) Merge of images (A) and (B). (D–F). Enlargement of an optic lobe overexpressing NORPA in PDF neurons. (D) α-NORPA (green), (E) α-PDF (red), and (F) Merged of (D) and (E) signals. (G–I). Ventral view of 3rd instar brain of w1118 larva. (G) α-NORPA (green), (H) α-PDF (red), and (I) merge. BN, Bolwig neuron; DP, dorsal projection of LNvs. Arrowhead on panel I shows LNv neuron that may be co-expressing both NORPA and PDF. (J–L). Dorsal view of 3rd instar brain of w1118 larva. (J) α-NORPA (green), (K) α-PDF (red), and (L) merge. Arrowheads in panel L show putative α-NORPA staining in DNs.