Mutations in CESA6 That Cause Reduced Sensitivity to ES20 Are Mainly Clustered in the Central Cytoplasmic Domain.
(A) Predicted topology of CESA6, location of key motifs for cellulose catalytic synthesis, and locations of the mutated amino acids that cause reduced sensitivity to ES20. The orientation of the CESA6 N terminus, the transmembrane regions (TMRs), and the orientation of the cytoplasmic domains are based on predictions by PredictProtein.
(B) Sequence alignment of CESA6 with RsBcsA. Key motifs, including the PCR, CSR, IFs, and transmembrane regions (TMRs) are underlined. The EMS mutants are highlighted with red star (*) above the amino acids and red boxes around the amino acids. The predicted mutations that cause reduced sensitivity to ES20 are marked by blue stars (*) and boxes.