Fig. 3.
Photomicrographs demonstrating analysis of the Complex I marker NDUFB8 in nbM cholinergic neurons in LBD with or without the α-synuclein marker Syn-F2. Representative images demonstrating a cell with a Lewy body (A.i.-A.v.) and a cell with diffuse α-synuclein accumulation (B.i.-B.v.) with obvious Complex I/NDUFB8 expression, in contrast to a Complex I/NDUFB8 deficient cell with no α-synuclein immunoreactivity (C.i.-C.v.). Scale bars = 10 μm. Analysis of Complex I/NDUFB8 normalised to porin in cells without α-synuclein aggregates, cells with diffuse α-synuclein accumulations, and cells with Lewy bodies. Bars are means and standard deviation. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001