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. 2020 Jul 9;222(Suppl 1):S41–S51. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa222

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics Overall and by Categories of Estimated Kidney Function Based on Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration Equation

eGFR Based on CKD-EPI, mL/min per 1.73 mm2
Characteristicsa Total (N = 7770) <60 (n = 202) 60 to <90 (n = 2738) ≥90 (n = 4826)
Demographic and Behavioral
 Age, median (Q1, Q3), y 50 (45–55) 54 (49–58) 52 (47–56) 49 (44–54)
 Natal sex, no. (%)
  Male 5352 (69) 148 (73) 2072 (76) 3130 (65)
  Female 2418 (31) 54 (27) 666 (24) 1696 (35)
 Race, no. (%)b
  Black or African American 3378 (43) 58 (29) 923 (34) 2395 (50)
  White 2701 (35) 121 (60) 1364 (50) 1214 (25)
  Asian 1139 (15) 6 (3) 273 (10) 860 (18)
  Other 552 (7) 17 (8) 178 (7) 357 (7)
 Ethnicity, no. (%)c
  Hispanic or Latino 698 (18) 24 (13) 309 (16) 365 (20)
  Not Hispanic or Latino 3187 (81) 154 (86) 1600 (83) 1429 (79)
  Unknown 34 (1) 2 (1) 21 (1) 11 (1)
 Enrollment region, no. (%)
  High income 4096 (53) 183 (91) 2025 (74) 1884 (39)
  Other regionsd 3674 (47) 19 (9) 713 (26) 2942 (61)
 Smoking status, no. (%)
  Current 1933 (25) 41 (20) 664 (24) 1227 (25)
  Former 1906 (25) 72 (36) 790 (29) 1043 (22)
  Never 3923 (51) 89 (44) 1281 (47) 2552 (53)
Cardiovascular and Metabolic
 History of hypertension, no. (%) 1785 (23) 88 (44) 705 (26) 991 (21)
 History of diabetes, no. (%) 66 (1) 8 (4) 19 (1) 39 (1)
 Use of antiplatelet therapy, no. (%)e 275 (4) 14 (7) 138 (5) 123 (3)
 Weight, median (Q1, Q3), kg 75 (64–87) 87 (78–97) 79 (69–90) 72 (61–84)
 BMI, median (Q1, Q3)f 25.8 (22.8–29.4) 28.7 (25.3–31.6) 26.3 (23.7–29.8) 25.2 (22.1–29.0)
 BMI, no. (%)f
  <18.5 288 (4) 1 (<0.5) 40 (1) 247 (5)
  18.5–24.9 3115 (40) 45 (22) 986 (36) 2083 (43)
  25–29.9 2664 (34) 80 (40) 1054 (39) 1528 (32)
  ≥30 1696 (22) 75 (37) 657 (24) 963 (20)
 BSA, median (Q1, Q3), m2 1.9 (1.7–2.0) 2.0 (1.9–2.1) 1.9 (1.8–2.1) 1.8 (1.7–2.0)
 BP, median (Q1, Q3) mm Hg
  Systolic 122 (113–132) 125 (116–133) 122 (114–132) 122 (112–132)
  Diastolic 80 (72–85) 80 (74–85) 80 (72–85) 80 (71–86)
HIV-Related Health Status
 Nadir CD4 count
  <200/ µ L 3792 (49) 96 (48) 1348 (49) 2347 (49)
  ≥200/ µ L 3716 (48) 95 (47) 1279 (47) 2340 (48)
  Unknown 262 (3) 11 (5) 111 (4) 139 (3)
 CD4 cell count, median (Q1, Q3), cells/ µ L)g 620 (447–826) 621 (448–855) 619 (444–840) 621 (449–816)
 HIV-1 RNA, copies/mL
  <400 5865 (98) 189 (99) 2401 (98) 3272 (97)
  ≥400 133 (2) 2 (1) 42 (2) 89 (3)
 Total ART duration, median (Q1, Q3), y 10 (5–15) 11 (6–18) 10 (6–16) 9 (5–13)
 Tenofovir exposure duration, median (Q1, Q3), y 5.5 (3.0–8.7) 6.1 (2.9–10.0) 6.0 (3.0–9.3) 5.1 (2.9–8.1)
 Tenofovir exposure duration, no. (%)
  0 y 1185 (15) 22 (11) 295 (11) 867 (18)
  <5 y 2836 (37) 70 (35) 933 (34) 1831 (38)
  5 to <10 y 2609 (34) 63 (31) 976 (36) 1569 (33)
  ≥10 y 1127 (15) 46 (23) 526 (19) 555 (12)
 ART regimen class, no. (%)
  NRTI + INSTI 1978 (25) 111 (55) 1021 (37) 842 (17)
  NRTI + NNRTI 3676 (47) 29 (14) 833 (30) 2814 (58)
  NRTI + PI 1439 (19) 23 (11) 537 (20) 879 (18)
  NRTI sparing 199 (3) 10 (5) 110 (4) 79 (2)
  Other NRTI containing 476 (6) 29 (14) 235 (9) 212 (4)
Other Comorbidities
 History of kidney disease, no. (%) 29 (<0.5) 8 (4) 17 (1) 4 (<0.5)
 Chronic viral hepatitis, no. (%) 361 (5) 15 (7) 161 (6) 185 (4)

Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; BSA, body surface area; CKD-EPI, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; IQR, interquartile range; NNRTI, nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor; NRTI, nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor; PI, protease inhibitor.

aAll statistics are calculated based on participants with data collected. Statistical comparisons between eGFR groupings are not made because the cohort size provides very high power to detect very small differences of no clinical relevance. Four participants missing eGFR by CKD-EPI are included in the overall total. Missing data include smoking status (n = 8), weight (n = 4), BMI (n = 7), CD4 cell count (n = 22), HIV-1 RNA level (n = 1772), total ART use (n = 2), ART regimen class (n=2), and medical history (n = 6). ART regimen class (n=2).

b“Other” race includes self-identification as native or indigenous to the enrollment region, >1 race (with no single race noted as predominant), or unknown race.

cEthnicity presented per National Institutes of Health definition for participants in United States (including Puerto Rico) and Canada only.

dIncludes Latin American and Caribbean, South East and East Asia, South Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. Statistical comparisons between eGFR groupings are not made because the cohort size provides very high power to detect very small differences of no clinical relevance.

eIncludes aspirin.

fBMI was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

gRecorded at entry.