Fig 5. Generation and analysis of Pms1-/- cell lines.
A) Diagram of mutations generated in exon 6 of Pms1. Orange bar: CRISPR gRNA target. Open boxes: extent of CRISPR-induced deletion in the indicated lines. B) PCR analysis of DNA from Pms1+/+ cells and the two Pms1-/- CRISPant cell lines shown in panel A. M: 100 bp molecular weight ladder. C) Western blot showing the deficit of PMS1 in the edited lines and that the loss of PMS1 does not affect the levels of MLH1 or PMS2. Note a) that the faint band apparent in the Pms1-/- lanes of the PMS1 blot corresponds to the smaller of the two closely migrating bands seen in Pms1+/+ lines and b) that the lanes from the MLH1 western blot shown here are from the same blot shown in Figs 2C and 4C. D) Repeat PCR profiles of the two Pms1 mutant lines after 0, 52 and 68 days in culture. The red dotted line on each profile indicates the major allele present in the cell population at day 0.