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. 2020 Jul 9;10:225. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-00913-3

Table 4.

Multivariate logistic regression of sleep disorder and passive coping style.

Variables β SE Wald P OR 95% CI
Sleep disorder
Constant −2.233 0.208 114.76 0.000
Female (Ref:Male) 0.305 0.142 4.597 0.032 1.36 1.03–1.79

Education (bachelor’s degree and above)

(Ref:College and below)

0.334 0.145 5.268 0.022 1.40 1.05–1.86

Monthly income (CNY) 1000–5000

(Ref:Monthly income <1000)

0.958 0.15 40.578 0.000 2.61 1.94–3.50

Monthly income (CNY) > 5000

(Ref:Monthly income <1000)

0.760 0.165 21.301 0.000 2.14 1.55–2.95

No exercise

(Ref:Regular exercise)

0.613 0.148 17.167 0.000 1.85 1.38–2.47
Passive coping style
Constant −0.672 0.18 13.898 0.000
Urban (Ref:Rural) −0.287 0.139 4.282 0.039 0.75 0.57–0.99

Education (bachelor’s degree and above)

(Ref:College and below)

−0.624 0.138 20.545 0.000 0.54 0.41–0.70

No exercise

(Ref:Regular exercise)

0.537 0.145 13.756 0.000 1.71 1.29–2.27

SE standard error, OR odds ratio, CI confidential interval, Ref. reference.