(A) Example of a ‘side-on’ view of a GABAergic synapse on a GnRH proximal dendrite. Insert, magnified image from boxed region showing the plane of analysis used to generate the fluorescence intensity profiles of each channel - GFP (GnRH proximal dendrites; green), Alexa568 (gephyrin; red) and ATTO647 (VGAT, blue). Analysis of intensity profiles from 25 ‘side-on’ synapses demonstrated that the overlap in signals between the pre-synaptic marker and GnRH neuron was always >0.95 µm (0.23 µm pre-expansion). (B) Example of a ‘face-on’ view of a GABAergic synapse on a GnRH proximal dendrite. Insert, magnified image from boxed region showing the z-plane of analysis used to generate the fluorescence intensity profiles of each channel - GFP (GnRH proximal dendrites; green), Alexa568 (gephyrin; red) and ATTO647 (VGAT, blue). Analysis of intensity profiles from 12 ‘face-on’ synapses demonstrated that the z-axis overlap in signals between the pre-synaptic marker VGAT and GFP of the GnRH neuron was >1.75 µm (0.42 µm pre-expansion) for all synapses.