Figure 4. A gradient of force production among tibia flexor motor neurons.
(A) Optogenetic activation of a fast flexor motor neuron expressing CsChrimson (50 ms flash from a 625 nm LED,~2 mW/mm2). Traces show average membrane potential for trials with one (top) and two (bottom) spikes, the average EMG (top) or overlaid EMGs (bottom), and the resulting tibia movement for each trial (50 µm = 11 µN). The jitter in the force probe movement traces results from variability of when a spike occurs relative to the video exposure (170 fps). (B) Same as A for an example intermediate flexor motor neuron. (C) Tibia movement resulting from current injection in a slow flexor motor neuron. Top: spike rasters from an example cell during current injection. Firing rates are shown below, color coded according to current injection value, followed by the baseline subtracted average movement of the probe (5 µm = 1.1 µN). Bottom: spike rates and probe movement in the presence of the cholinergic antagonist MLA (1 µM), which reduces excitatory synaptic input to the motor neuron. (D) Peak average force vs. number of spikes for fast (blue), intermediate (magenta), and slow (green) motor neurons. The number of spikes in slow neurons is computed as the average number of spikes during positive current injection steps minus the baseline firing rate; that is, the number of additional spikes above baseline. The black line is a linear fit to the slow motor neuron data points, with the slope indicated below. (E) Peak probe displacement for 2 spikes vs. one spike in fast (blue) and intermediate motor neurons (magenta). (F) Summary data showing that zero spikes in fast (n = 7) and intermediate neurons (n = 6) does not cause probe movement, but that hyperpolarization in slow motor neurons (n = 9) causes the fly to let go of the probe, that is, decreases the applied force. The number of spikes (x-axis) is computed as the average number of spikes per trial during the hyperpolarization.(G) Delay between a spike in the cell body and the EMG spike (conduction delay). Note there may be a delay from the spike initiation zone to the cell body that is not captured (n = 5 intermediate cells), p=0.6, Wilcoxon rank sum test. (H) Time to half maximal probe displacement for fast (blue) and intermediate cells (magenta), p=0.2, rank sum test. (I) Estimates of the maximum velocity of tibia movement in each fast (blue) and intermediate motor neuron (magenta), p=0.0012, rank sum test. A line was fit to the rising phase of probe points aligned to single spikes as in B) and D).