Video 2. Motor neuron electrophysiology, force production, and tibia movement.
The video introduces 1) the dendritic morphology and axon projection of the three neurons we studied: fast, intermediate and slow; 2) shows video of individual trials from a fast neuron in which one or four spikes are driven with optogenetic stimulation in the VNC, together with probe movement, the whole-cell current clamp recording from the soma, and the EMG record from the leg; 3) shows video of individual trials from an intermediate neuron in which one or four spikes are driven with optogenetic stimulation in the VNC; 4) shows video of a trial from a slow motor neuron in which current injection at the soma depolarizes the neuron and drives ~ 100 spikes, and a trial in which the slow neuron is hyperpolarized, reducing the force on the probe. Videos are slowed 3X.