Table 4.
Follow-up of the considered population.
ID | Months from BCa diagnosis to last follow-up visit or death | Status |
1 | 27 | NED |
2 | 24 | NED |
3 | 195 | NED |
4 | 80 | CSD |
5 | 60 | NED |
6 | 12 | CSD |
7 | 2 | CSD |
8 | 41 | NED |
9 | 7 | NED |
10 | 3 | NED |
Cases: 10 | Median overall survival: 80* | CSD: 3/10 (30%) |
NED: 7/10 (70%) |
BCa bladder cancer, CSD cancer-specific death, NED no evidence of disease.
*Data estimated considering only individuals with acquired spinal cord injury.