Table 1.
Antigen 5 allergens currently listed in the official WHO/IUIS allergen nomenclature database [26]
Species | Common name | Allergen | Sensitization ratea |
Dolichovespula arenaria | Yellow hornet | Dol a 5 | 81%b |
Dolichovespula maculata | White-faced hornet | Dol m 5 | 65% [7] |
Pachycondyla chinensis | Asian needle ant | Pac c 3 | 83% [36] |
Polistes annularis | American paper wasp | Pol a 5 | 44–65% [30•, 32••]2 |
Polistes dominula | European paper wasp | Pol d 5 | 72% [30•] |
Polistes exclamans | American paper wasp | Pol e 5 | 90% [7] |
Polistes fuscatus | Golden/Northern paper wasp | Pol f 5 | 69% [83] |
Polistes gallicus | European paper wasp | Pol g 5 | 80–100% [84] |
Polistes metricus | Metricus paper wasp | Pol m 5 | Yes [83]c |
Polybia paulista | Polybia wasp | Poly p 5 | 100% [57•] |
Polybia scutellaris | Polybia wasp | Poly s 5 | 58–70% [32••]c |
Solenopsis geminata | Tropical fire ant | Sol g 3 | 100% [85] |
Solenopsis invicta | Red imported fire ant | Sol i 3 | 67% [9] |
Solenopsis richteri | Black fire ant | Sol r 3 | Yes [86]c |
Solenopsis saevissima | Brazilian fire ant | Sol s 3 | ? |
Vespa crabro | European hornet | Vesp c 5 | 67% [32••]c Yes [87] |
Vespa magnifica | Hornet | Vesp ma 5 | 73–91%b |
Vespa mandarinia | Giant Asian hornet | Vesp m 5 | ? |
Vespa velutina | Asian hornet | Vesp v 5 | 86%b |
Vespula flavopilosa | Downy yellow jacket | Ves f 5 | ? |
Vespula germanica | German yellow jacket | Ves g 5 | Yes [88] |
Vespula maculifrons | Eastern yellow jacket | Ves m 5 | Yes [10] |
Vespula pensylvanica | Western yellow jacket | Ves p 5 | Yes [89] |
Vespula squamosa | Southern yellow jacket | Ves s 5 | 79% [7] |
Vespula vidua | Long/Widow yellow jacket | Ves vi 5 | ? |
Vespula vulgaris | Common yellow jacket | Ves v 5 | 85–100% (Table 2) |
A question mark indicates that no data was found. Yes means that sensitization was shown but data about sensitization rates is not given.
aDetermined by different methods and with highly variable patient numbers
bData obtained from the WHO/IUIS allergen nomenclature database
cAnalyzed patient cohort is not entirely suitable to assess sensitization to the given allergen