Mechanism-based PK-PD model of ESAs. The upper panel of the flow schematic is based on the TMDD model to describe the PK process. D and AD represent the duration of the zero-order input and absorption compartment for the SC route, respectively. F is the bioavailability, and ka is the first-order absorption rate constant. C
A, C
B, and RC represent the concentration of free ESAs, endogenous EPO (eEPO), and the EPO-receptor complex, respectively. ATA and ATB are tissue compartments, k
tpA, k
tpB, k
ptA, and k
ptB are tissue distribution rate constants; k
onA, k
onB, k
offA, and k
offB represents second-order rate constants for forming RC and first-order dissociation rate constants of ESAs and eEPO; Rtot represents total receptor concentration; CLA and CLB are the first-order elimination rate constants; k
int is the first-order internalization and degradation rate constant; k
EPO represents the synthesis rate of eEPO. The PD model contains delay parameters, indicating the life span of various erythropoietic cells. P
1, P
2, and P
3 represent three different maturation-level erythroid precursor cell compartments; RET is reticulocytes, and RBCM is mature red blood cell; HGB represents hemoglobin. K
IN0 represents production process for P1 cells, S
max represents the maximal effect of RC on the proliferation of precursor cells, and SRC50 is the concentration of drug-receptor complex to induce half of S
max; T
P, T
R, T
B, mean residence time for precursor cell, reticulocytes, and mature red blood cell. PD effect of the expansion of precursor cell on Rtot mediates the PK process in return, and ξ is the factor of proportionality.